When an absolute and certified reproducibility of the colours is required, our systems equipped with the CONCENTRIC® dispensing device – which by weight and sequentially doses coloured pastes and completions – are the most suitable to satisfy the needs of the customers.
We offer industrial IN-BATCH, IN-CAN and mixed colour systems for the production of varnishes and paints – also in thickness – for the building, industry, wood, glass and plastics sectors.
Thanks to the possibility of setting-up via software different calibrations to the same valve, this allows each of them to offer the best performances in terms of flow rate and accuracy.
Inside the same dispensing system can be introduced valves that supply both solvent and water-based products. This thanks to the particular and patented system which – at the end of the dispensing of each product – washes with the relevant detergent solution the external part of the valve to prevent the formation of dangerous encrustations. The watery or solvent based wastes are separately collected, without dirtying and contaminating the drops collecting plate.